What does the science say about Kale Oil?

After discovering oil in Kale seeds, we started at the very beginning with this question:

Is there some magic probe that you can use to find out what things are made of?

The answer is no… You need to begin with WHAT you are searching for, and do the appropriate test. Every wonderful molecule requires its own set of reactions and process to make itself seen.

So we tested for the standard items on a nutritional label Plus Vitamin E. Then we tested for all the main vitamins and nutrients that are found in the Kale Leaf.

Below are a few final reports from professional labs.

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Kale Oil Nutritional Label Report

Kale Oil is ALL OIL. No surprise there. Totally fat!

Small amounts of calcium, potassium and sodium.

All Calories come from the pure fat at 897 Cal/100 g.

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Test for Vitamin E

Vegetable seed oils all have vitamin E in them, so testing for vitamin E was a no brainer. Kale oil contains vitamin E.

Read our post about what each vitamin and nutrient is good for.

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Additional Vitamin and Nutrient Tests

Based on the vitamins and nutrients common in the dark green leaf of the kale plant, we took a look for the same in the oil from the seed.

The tests picked up Vitamin A, B6, C and K. Vitamin A was notably high, while the other vitamins did not measure in at amounts that would have significant impact for human application.

There was no Copper or Manganese. These may be created through the process of photosynthesis although I have not looked into that.

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Smoke Point

The Smoke Point of Kale Oil is 197 degrees fahrenheit or 92 degrees celsius. A higher smoke point is better for cooking because it doesn’t burn or smoke until it’s really hot. Smoke point is different from flash point. Flash point is when the oil is smoking and the fumes ignite a flame that is held at a certain height above the oil.

These reports are the basis for all claims and product development for Kale Oil. For more information on what this all means, try reading the blog ‘Is Kale Oil Good for You?’, which goes through each vitamin and nutrient one at a time.

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