Kale Oil Safety Data Sheet for Cosmetic Formulators

As Kale Oil begins to become popularized, my goal has been to provide a pure product along with all the information you need for formulation and safety.

Kale Oil claims to be safe for personal care and cosmetic formulations, and the SDS (safety data sheet) supports this.

If you require a SDS for your project, you can find the most current SDS in PDF form below.


Below is the text version:

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


Initial preparation date:  June 24, 2021

Revision 1.0

1. Product Description

Product Name:  Kale Oil

Synonyms:  Kale Seed Oil, Cold Pressed Kale Seed Oil

Brand:  KaleOil

Product Use:  Personal care/Cosmetic formulations

Uses Advised Against:  None determined

Supplier Details

Kale Oil

66 Weirs Lane

Dundas Ontario, Canada 

L9H 5E3



Emergency telephone numbers

Chemtrec North America Tel:  800-262-8200

International Chemtrec Tel:  703-527-3887

2. Hazard Identification

Not classified for physical or health hazards according to GHS.

Generally recognized as safe under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (All ingredients are FDA GRAS)

Vegetable Oils in mist form are known to be listed as an OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1000 air contaminant.

Eye Contact:  May cause slight irritation.

Skin Contact:  No known hazard

Ingestion:  No known hazard

Inhalation:  In mist form, may cause respiratory tract irritation.

Label elements

Hazard pictograms:  None

Signal word:  None

Hazard statements:  None

Precautionary statements:  None

Hazards not otherwise classified (HNOC):  None

3. Composition/Information on Ingredients

Vegetable Oil Triglycerides:  100%

Saturated Fat:  7.2%

Chemically composed by a mixture of triglycerides of fatty acids. 

Oleic:  17.3%

Palmitic:  3.69%

Linoleic:  9.99%

Stearic:  0.73%

CAS#:  TBD 0000-00-0  

            (Vegetable oil 8001-22-7 or 9083-41-4) (Olive Oil 8001-25-0) (Avocado oil 8024-32-6)

4. First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:  Flush with water or eye wash solution for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists.

Skin Contact:  Wash with soap and water.

Ingestion:  Ingestion of edible vegetable oil is nontoxic and should pass through the system.

Inhalation:  N/A

Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure:  None

Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:  No data available

Notes to Physician:  Treat symptomatically and supportively

5. Firefighting Measures

Flash point/Smoke point:  92ºC / 197ºF

Material may burn but not ignite readily.  

Nature of decomposition products not known.

LEL:  Not established

UEL:  Not established

Extinguishing Media:  Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam.  Water may spread fire.

Special firefighting procedures:  Limit the spread of oil. Use air supplied equipment for fighting interior fires.

Unusual fire and explosion hazards:  None.  Material is not pyrophoric, does not react with water, not an oxygen donor, material is shock stable.

6. Accidental Release Measures

Personal Protection:  Wear slip proof shoes.

Methods for cleaning up:  Absorb onto an inert, absorbent substrate and sweep up.  Wash the area with soap and water.

7. Handling and Storage

Safe handling:  Keep away from fire and open flames. Do not overheat.  Follow good manufacturing practices when handling.

Requirements for storage areas and containers:  Store in a cool, dry location in a sealed container.  For longest shelf life, limit contact with oxygen and light exposure.

8. Exposure Control/Personal Protection

No personal protective equipment is required for normal handling.

Eye:  Safety glasses may be worn if splashing is possible.

Skin/body:  Gloves may be worn.

Respiratory:  Not needed under normal conditions of use.  There are no special ventilation requirements.

Ventilation:  A mechanical exhaust/ventilation system is not recommended.

Other:  Evaluate needs based on application.  Slip proof shoes may be worn where spills may occur.

Work/Hygiene Practice:  Normal work and hygiene practices for handling non-hazardous material.  Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.

Exposure Limits:  Contains no substances with occupational exposure limited values.

ACGIH:  None listed

NIOSH:  None listed

OSHA:  None listed

STEL:  None listed

9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical State:  Viscous oily liquid

Colour: Light Yellow brown

Odor/Flavor:  Bland, mild, slight vegetable/fatty oil

pH: neutral 

Flash Point:  92ºC / 197ºF

Evaporation Rate:  No data available

Specific Gravity (H2O = 1):  0.90-0.95

Density:  7.5-7.9 lbs/gal

Solubility in Water:  Insoluble

Water Reactive:  No

10. Stability and Reactivity

Shelf life:  Indefinite if stored properly.

Reactivity:  Non reactive under normal conditions.

Chemical Stability:  Stable under normal temperatures and pressures.

Incompatibility (Materials to avoid):  Avoid flames and strong oxidizers.

Hazardous decomposition or byproducts:  Forms CO and/or CO2 upon burning.

Conditions to avoid:  Avoid excessive heat.

Hazardous polymerization:  Will not occur.

11. Toxicological Information

Signs and symptoms of exposure:  None, to the best of our knowledge.  The chemical, physical and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.

Threshold limit value:  Expected to possess a relatively low degree of acute oral toxicity (LD50 expected to be > 2000 mg/kg)

Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure:  None

Irritancy, Skin:  Not expected to be an irritant.  

Irritancy, Eyes:  Not expected to be an irritant.

Potential Health Effects:  The material is a non hazardous food ingredient.

Sensitization:  None expected

Carcinogenicity:  None.  Vegetable Oil 8001-22-7: Not listed as a carcinogen (ACGIH, IARC, NTP)

Reproductive toxicity:  N/A

Teratogenicity:  N/A

Mutagenicity:  N/A

12. Ecological Information

Not considered to be an environmental hazard.

Biodegradation:  This product is an oil.  Expected to be ultimately biodegradable.

Fish toxicity:  No data

Bacterial toxicity:  No data

Mobility:  Oil is not soluble in water and will float in water.

13. Disposal Consideration

Waste disposal methods:  Dispose of according to local, state and federal regulations.  Small amounts of this material may be suitable for sanitary sewer or trash disposal.  Whenever possible please recycle or manage materials to minimize waste.

14. Transport Information

No known transportation regulations or restrictions.  

Not dangerous goods.

DOT classifications:  Not regulated

Class/division:  Not regulated

IATA:  Not regulated

IMDG:  Not regulated

15. Regulatory Information

This product is not listed on the Health and Safety Reporting List.

Clean Air Act:  This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants.

Clear Water Act:  This material in not listed as a Hazardous Substance under the CWA

California Proposition 65:  Not listed

Risk phases:  N/A

Safety phases:  N/A

16. Other Information

This information is provided for documentation purposes only. This product is not considered hazardous.

The complete range of conditions or methods of use are beyond our control therefore we do not assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim and liability for any use of this product.  Information contained herein is believed to be true and accurate however, all statements and suggestions are made without warranty, expressed or implied, regarding accuracy of the information, the hazards connected with the use of the material or the results to be obtained from the use thereof.  Compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and local regulations remains the responsibility of the user.

This safety sheet cannot cover all possible situations which the user may experience during processing.  Each aspect of your operation should be examined to determine if, or where, additional precautions may be necessary.  All health and safety information contained in this bulletin should be provided to your employees or customers.  

The conditions for use, handling, storage and disposal are beyond KaleOils’ control.  It is the responsibility of the user both to determine safe conditions for use of this product and to assume liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of improper use of this product.  KaleOil disclaims all liability for your use and reliance on any SDS.

See www.KaleOil.com for additional information.

Copyright 2021 Kale Oil (Business Identification Number: 301163242 - effective date 2020-10-19)